Safe Connection to Unlimited Contact Center Possibilities With CMC RestAPI!

CMC RestAPI allows existing apps and custom-designed contact center software to request information securely and directly from your CMC database for the purpose of automation and much more!

  • CMC RestAPI is a gatekeeper for your contact center data! In effect, only allowing safe connections to unlimited contact center processes.

  • Use with automation tools like Zapier which allows easy integration with over 7,000 apps.

  • Improve your agent efficiencies by allowing CMC RestAPI to securely automate the transfer of client data into and out of the Startel CMC.

  • Redirect the flow of client data en masse automatically according to client requests.

Anything Is Possible with Startel CMC RestAPI!

Do your customers want to automate pulling information into their CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software? Do you want to have your own reporting tools, designed by you and your staff? Furthermore, do you want to share data from an existing app with your CMC? Better yet, you may even have your own idea for a mobile app for your contact center. CMC RestAPI allows those apps and processes to be translated and integrated into your CMC data.

You can now…

  • Customize Dashboards to Suit Specific Needs
  • Develop Web-Based Applications for Analyzing and Monitor staffing levels
  • Build Your Own Tools for Managing On-Call Calendars

Startel’s CMC RestAPI “un-silos” your CMC, simultaneously providing secure access to form data, OnCall schedules, call records, real-time agent status, and more. Tech-focused contact centers can use the CMC RestAPI to develop their own tools and integrations for managing client, agent, and billing data.

Think of the Startel CMC RestAPI as a translator that allows custom designed software to request information directly, in real time, from your Contact Management Center database. This undeniably gives your CMC virtually unlimited integration capability making the creation of custom applications to meet specialized contact center needs a reality.

Improved Agent Efficiencies

Startel’s CMC RESTful APIs can improve your agent efficiencies by taking the data they collect and automatically syncing it into other applications for the client rather than training your agent on new software so they can manually re-enter that information.

Because of this, agents don’t have to make a bunch of quick decisions in real-time to ensure individual messages end up where they should be, RESTful APIs make deliberate, focused decisions to redirect the flow of data en masse according to the client’s request.


Simple Yet Powerful Integration 

Startel’s API is integrated with Zapier.  Zapier empowers you to automate your work across 7,000+ apps —so you can move forward, faster.  Zapier middleware allows you to easily create multistep automated workflows. Best of all, it’s a Do-It-Yourself, Drag-And-Drop Solution that doesn’t require a coding degree or the hiring of expensive software developers.

Customers today can communicate and open their wallets in more ways than ever before.  As that number grows into infinity, Startel CMCRest API gives you the opportunity to safely and securely interface with the future. This web-based no-code tool allows you or your client to create drag-and-drop automations with over 7,000 of the popular applications your customers already use every day. 



3rd Party Integrations

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